SANGU STORIES, The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands

Ayurveda in the Modern World with Dr Shreejit

Host: Mark Hehir - General Manager Season 5 Episode 3

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In this episode, we explore Ayurveda and its relevance in the modern world. Ayurveda first originated over 3000 years ago – a medicinal system best described as a way of life through nature. Dr Shreejit is staying from 18th December to 15th January 2022, offering treatments including cupping, consultation and many more healing experiences. He is a specialist in the field, holding a Bachelors in Ayurveda and Surgery, Advanced in Panchakarma and Masters in Science in Yoga and Life Sciences.

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Mark Hehir:

Welcome to Sangu Stories. We are delighted to welcome Dr Shreejit, a specialist in the field, holding a Bachelors in Ayurveda and Surgery, Advanced in panchakarma and Masters in Science in yoga and life sciences. Dr Shreejit was born in India where Ayurveda was first originated from, over 3000 years ago. A medical system that is best described as a way of life through nature. He is visiting us at The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands from the 18th of December to the 15th of January, offering various healing experiences for our guests. Welcome to Sangu stories. We are pleased to have you here today. Tell us about the history and benefits of Ayurveda.

Dr Shreejit Ghadigaonkar:

Yes. So thanks for inviting me first of all. History of Ayurveda is very rich and dates back to 5,000 years back. Ayurveda is considered to be the holistic medicine system in the world and it takes its principles from the nature and it teaches us how to bring healthy life. Right, right. It gives equal importance to prevention and cure. It does not. It is. You can, you can say that it is the first science, which talks about prevention. Most of times you go to the doctor when you're ill. Yes. When you have pain, when you have aches, but here we are talking about something which will not let you go to the doctor. Mm. You can become your own doctor.

Mark Hehir:

So it's proactive.

Dr Shreejit Ghadigaonkar:

Yes. It's preventive and cure. It has two aspects. There are two kinds of people in this world. First one who is healthy. So the healthy people also need to take care of their health. They have to do prevention and they're one who are unhealthy. They have some problems. So they have for cure. They have to do, deal with it. So these two kinds of people are there. So Ayurveda is for both, and it is very important to manage our health because health is directly related to happiness.

Mark Hehir:

That's great. That's a great place, I guess, Maldives to also show showcase that. Yeah. And so understanding different Doshes, Ayurveda practices of different from person to person, as you sort of told before, but what are your suggested practices, especially for a beginner?

Dr Shreejit Ghadigaonkar:

So Ayurveda gives a lot of importance to Doshas. Doshas, little bit of brief, I will give you about the Doshas. There are three Doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha, these are the physiological bio energies of your body. Mm. They have different roles in your body. So we understand them through the five elements which are there. So the balance of this three dosha is very, very important for health. Whenever they're unhealth, whenever there is disbalance or imbalance of the Doshas, we get problems or illness. To create a balance of these Doshas, certain practices are very important. We understand the sun and the moon and their effects on our body. So according to that, the daily routine is designed in Ayurveda. Waking up early, I would say is a very, very important factor for preventing health, after that, having warm water, simple practices, but very, very important. If you can drink warm water from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, it is the minimum which you can do for a good life. Having a set time for your lunch and dinner, very simple again, but very, very important. So that your digestive fire is strong at that time. And your digestion is very important. You have to give lot of importance to your digestion because in Ayurveda your digestive system is considered to be the most important system because how your system is it'll determine how your health is and your immunity is. So if you have a bad digestion, then you have to do something about it. Yeah. So this is, so this and I, one last thing, which is I'll tell is keep one hour 45 minutes to one hour for self care. It can include some physical activities. It can include yoga, it can include running

Mark Hehir:

Or right. Yeah. So it's very something very simple. Anyone can do. Yes. It's not overly stressful. It's at your level. Yes. And then you can build from that. Right. Okay. So in your experience, have you healed any chronic and life-threatening diseases?

Dr Shreejit Ghadigaonkar:

Yes. Actually the beauty of Ayurveda because it is ancient, chronic people only come to Ayurveda because first they go to all the hospitals when they're not getting treated from there, then chronic looking for something. Yeah. Then they come for alternative. So until they have come to us, they have already damaged their knees a lot or the back a lot. So, but definitely the, the latest patient, which I can share my experience was of a chronic cervical spondylosis. So we did a lot of treatments along with physical treatments therapies, and also internal medications. Along with that in one and a half months, we got amazing results where around 85% of the problem was solved. Wow. Yeah,

Mark Hehir:

That's great. It's such a great opportunity to have you here at The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands. What treatments are you gonna offer our guests in the most effective sort five treatments and how would we start? Yeah. Yeah.

Dr Shreejit Ghadigaonkar:

So, as I am here, we start with the consultation because we give importance to understanding the person individually. So we start the person with consultation. We understand his body type. After understanding his body type, we can recommend what is the best treatment or what are the best oils we can give treatment with, to the patient. So consultation, putting first after that, there are joint care we are providing for knees for back for your survival spine, because there is so much wear and tear of your joints, which is happening every day. And especially now in COVID where we are not doing any movements. People are just sitting, working for long hours. So knee treatment, back treatment, sense care. Again, the very good eye care treatment, which we are providing here, which is for people, all the people who are using, devices for 10, 12 hours, so much strain on the eyes. So it is an nourishing treatment for the eyes. Along with that, there are cupping therapies for again, pain management and Ayurvedic full body massage. These are the important core treatments, right along with that. There are many other treatments also.

Mark Hehir:

That's great. Yeah. But that's where we start. Yeah. At The Ritz-Carlton Maldives. Yes. Throughout your stay as we said you are right here through to the 15th of January. So you're gonna be offering these wonderful services. So lastly, in the modern world with modern practices, the question of our people maybe, you know, is Ayurveda still, or Ayurvedic medicine still relevant in this world?

Dr Shreejit Ghadigaonkar:

A very good question. Thanks for asking this question. I would say yes, definitely. Yeah. I feel somewhere people are going back to the roots. Because we have lived in the modern world and we have seen what it brings along. That is why people are coming all the way to the Maldives, to be in the nature, to experience the nature, to relax their body. Because in the fast space life, we give less importance to the health. And it's very important to keep a balance. And this Ayurvedic principles are based on the nature, a person, how far he's from nature. He will have so much, that much diseases. Yeah. So he has to understand nature and he has to build his life style with the rhythms of the nature. Yeah. And that is what Ayurveda teaches, it might be slightly complex coming, but we can start from the basic as a beginner. And that is how we can introduce to the lifestyle and definitely it is much, much important in modern life because in modern life, people don't give importance to routine.

Mark Hehir:

Yeah. No, I think it's so important to share that because we do get caught into bad habits, very easy and realise that we can get caught into good habits. Yes. And we just need to think through that, as you said, you get up early in the morning, you drink water, you know, you exercise, you may meditate take time out for yourself and in the evening you close the day and it's your time. Right. And we don't do that enough. Right. You know, and I think it's important to share. Yes. So, yeah, it's such a great, opportunity to have you here to share these experiences with our guests. And I really appreciate taking the time today to speak to me about it. So we can share that with our listeners. And thank you. Um, of course, you know, this visit now and then in the future, I'm sure we'll be talking about your next stay. Right. So looking forward to a great couple of weeks ahead, and you've got some customers that travel from around the world this next week or so that have maybe gone through anxiety, they've gone through all of the troubles of COVID and they're stressed, and it's the first time the family's taken the vacation as well. So they're stress even just flying here. Right. So I think, you know, you're gonna be a great resource and a great experience for our guests. So thank you.

Dr Shreejit Ghadigaonkar:

Thank you from my side and as well for inviting and introducing Ayurveda to The Ritz-Carlton, it'll be an amazing experience for the guest. I'm hopeful.

Mark Hehir:

Wonderful. Yes. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Thank you. Well, I hope you enjoyed today's podcast. Join me next time. When we discover more about The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands.