SANGU STORIES, The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands

Community Footprints with Juliana Salla, Resort Manager

Host: Mark Hehir - General Manager Season 2 Episode 1

Welcome to a new episode of Sangu Stories!

Today we have with us Juliana Salla, our resort manager, to share the Community Footprints project by The Ritz-Carlton, a social and environmental outreach initiative.

In this episode, Juliana discusses the global outreach, introducing the Community Footprints project and the dedication contributed by the Ladies and Gentlemen to this meaningful programme.

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Mark Hehir:

Happy new year and welcome to a new episode of the Sangu Stories. In this climate, more than ever, we have realized the importance of a sustainable future. The Ritz-Carlton created its first mission statement in 1983, committing to support the communities and the environment. Also the first founding partner of IMPACT 2030, a private-sector led initiative in collaboration with the United Nations and other global stakeholders. We have our resort manager, Juliana Salla, who has been with The Ritz-Carlton brand over 14 years, to talk about the rollout of the Community Footprints programme. Welcome to our podcast Juliana,

Juliana Salla:

Thank you, Mark. I'm very excited to be here. It is a privilege to be part of The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands.

Mark Hehir:

Today, we're really going to talk in a bit more detail about how we bring it to life here. And there's a lot of history behind the programme, but tell us about the Community Footprints programme in itself and its global outreach.

Juliana Salla:

The Community Footprints is actually one of my favorite programmes in The Ritz-Carlton brand. Um, it has been part of The Ritz-Carlton philosophy since their first mission statement in 1983. So for me, you know, personally, it's, it's one of the most beautiful, uh, programmes that The Ritz-Carlton has rolled out. So the Community Footprint is actually our social and environmental responsibility programme. So basically each property around the world collaborate with their local organizations. So they direct their resources where it's most impactful and they work with their local communities, for that each property works on three different areas. So we work with Child Well-being, Environmental Responsibility, Hunger and Poverty Relief with those three pillars. Let's say that it is our way to give back to the local community. Both our Ladies and Gentlemen and our guests can participate in the programme. It is, uh, one of the most beautiful and an inspiring programmes that The Ritz-Carlton brand has launched in the, in the, in the last few years.

Mark Hehir:

Yeah. Yes. You know, being involved with, uh, with the business over many years, I really enjoy the structure that the programme has, uh, created and allowing us as a resort managers and GM to really work with our teams and customize it, uh, locally. So when we bring it to the Maldives how do you plan to connect with the communities in the Maldives? Because, you know, we are an island nation spread with small islands scattered in atolls. How are we going to bring that up?

Juliana Salla:

Well, it's that, you know, the logistics of itself, uh, it's probably more complicated in other countries, but it doesn't, it makes no difference. I mean, the Maldives is a beautiful country and divided in different atolls. So be part of the North, Male atoll, what we would like to do is to work with the local islands in this particular region, I would say within 30 to 40 minutes of our resorts and we believe that's where we're going to be the most impactful. Now we would like to do, we would like to engage with these communities, we'd like to understand their needs because it's easier for us to assume what they want, but we want, we really wants to do is go to this communities, visit them, talk to their citizens, talk to the people that actually live on those islands and understand what they need and then contributes to those needs. Um, we would like to reach out to their local councils on each of those islands and understand how it can be most helpful. Uh, it could be something like helping the children's schools or helping them clean up their beach or, or even helping them build, um, a little garden to grow their vegetables. But we really need to understand what the particulars of each island is and that's how we would like to work and, uh, you know, reach out to our neighbors.

Mark Hehir:

Excellent, excellent. And a really great structure. So, you know, we've been excited to work through this programme, you and I, and with our team over the last six months, and we've also been able to really, uh, commemorate on right with our first Community Footprints initiative in December whilst it was a little bit of a struggle, uh, being with COVID, uh, or last year being delaying our processes. We're able to involve ourselves in the International Volunteers Day, um, share with our listeners about the efforts that we've put through there.

Juliana Salla:

Um, I, I'm personally very proud of our Ladies and Gentlemen who have putting this together. Um, as you know, it's not an easy thing to do in the midst of COVID, but our Ladies and Gentlemen, they really went above and beyond. They, they understood what was needed and how we wanted to and how we could do this. So what we've done, we reached out to a local Island called Hura island, which is nearby our resort. Uh, we spoke to their council when we understood what they needed at that moment. Now in the midst of COVID, there was many things going on and we needed to understand what was most impactful for them at the moment. And we focus on the Child Well- being. So we worked with one of their local schools to donate books, and this is something that for them was, uh, very much appreciated. Uh, we were able to, um, to, to get money donated from all of our Ladies and Gentlemen and you know, ourselves and with that, being able to buy those books, and this will have such a huge impact on those children. They will be able to grow and educate. Um, and we were able to do this remotely. We thought about it. How can we do this without actually visiting the island? And how can we make an impact to that community? So after many meetings and discussions, this is what an idea that we came up with and after many weeks and logistics stuff and understanding how we could buy those books and how I could deliver those books to that island, we're finally able to do this last week. And, um, you know, it was, it was, it was amazing. It was very nice to see our team on the in Hulhumale being able to meet with the council and deliver those books. So I'm very, very proud of the team who have put this together.

Mark Hehir:

Indeed, we are, you know, it's not just a one-off effort as a whole programme, as we just explained with the Community Footprints outreach. And we've also divided our team into three groups. So we've really got some strong initiative from our, uh, our Guidance Team level down, uh, which really allows people to get involved and share ideas. And you know, what initiatives are in the pipeline for our teams as we divide up and move forward.

Juliana Salla:

Well, we have lots of initiatives, you know, for me being 14 years in The Ritz-Carlton. And it is it's, it's really interesting and amazing for me to see the level of involvement of our Ladies and Gentlemen. I've, I've never seen this to such a level. Everyone wants to participate. So what we've done is we've divided the team into three different groups. So we have the Community Footprints for Child-wellbeing, uh, Hunger and Poverty Relief and Environmental Responsibility. So in order to be able to reach out to the communities and ensure that we do as much as possible in each of those areas, we will be doing one activity per month. So those activities will be focused on different areas. So let's say in the month of January, we wants to focus on Environmental Responsibility. Then the next month we're going to be focusing on Child Well-being and so on and so forth. So we, again, we really going to work with the local communities and understand what do you need, how can we help you? Our goal is to be involved, to inspire those communities and to be active presence there and participate with their needs. There's a lot more to come. We're putting a plan together. Uh, but we'll, we'll definitely, you know, uh, let everyone know when the time comes.

Mark Hehir:

Yeah. Looking forward over the next 10 years, uh, I guess, you know, cause we're here for a long-term and where it's about, as you said, each month and each year gathering momentum and creating what are our communities really need? Uh, what difference do you wish to bring to the motives through the Community Footprints effort by The Ritz-Carlton?

Juliana Salla:

I think, you know, ultimately our goal is to really be an active part of the community and not just being the next door resorts neighbor. We want to make sure that we join efforts of this local islands. We want to improve their living conditions, contribute to their children's education and eliminate any hunger that it's still around. We really want to contribute to the wellbeing of the community because we are a part of the community. We want to inspire all this new generation coming up to do better, be better taking care of their environments. You know, Maldives is a beautiful, um, cluster of islands, a beautiful country with lovely people. And we would like to make sure that we are part of, of them. We're not just seeing as The Ritz-Carlton next door. Oh, that big five-star resort. No, we really want to make sure that in the next 10 years they see us as part of that community. Um, and again, I think the one word that comes to mind is to inspire, um, it, the new generation, the older generation to, to change and to be part of that change.

Mark Hehir:

Mm yeah, no, I think, um, one more thing I wanted to mention about that is that, you know, we are one part of a three resorts coming up in Fari Islands and our, uh, our partnership together with Patina and Capella to formulate, you know, more initiatives around Fari Islands. Uh, and I know that our team is creating a foundation. Our ownership is creating a foundation, which, uh, the Community Footprints programme will feed into and partner up and work on joint initiatives in Fari Islands. So we're not just alone, but I really, uh, are enjoying the fact that, uh, Ritz-Carlton's coming to, uh, to the Maldives with initiatives already programmes that, which we can leverage on. And, um, and also then help support the Fari Islands foundation for our ownership and further development as we go through the next 10 years. So thanks for your time today, Julianna. Uh, I really appreciate it. I know that you're on the other side of the world and we're excited about bringing, getting you over here. Um,

Juliana Salla:

Absolutely, absolutely. Mark. I can't wait to be, you know, physically there, you know, I think in my mind already a part of that community. Um, but I'm very, very excited. Thank you so much for your time today.

Mark Hehir:

Join me next time. When we discover more about The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands.