SANGU STORIES, The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands

Embracing The Maldives by The Kerry Hill Architects

Host: Mark Hehir - General Manager Season 1 Episode 2

Welcome to the podcast - Sangu stories of The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands!

We are delighted to get in touch with Tanuj Goenka from the Kerry Hill Architects to share the design story, the inspiration behind the architecture and the holistic philosophy that embraces the Maldives. 

Tanuj takes us on a journey from the project's details to unveiling this masterpiece in the Maldives. If you wish to find more about Kerry Hill Architects, visit their website: 

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Mark Hehir:

Welcome to the podcast, Sangu Stories of The Ritz-Carlton Maldives. I'm your host Mark Hehir today. We have Tanuj Goenka from the Kerry Hill Architects to share with us the design story, the inspiration behind the architecture and holistic philosophy that embraces the Maldives. It's great to talk to you today. Thank you for sharing your time with us.

Tanuj Goenka:

Uh, thanks Mark, for inviting us to join this podcast.

Mark Hehir:

I would like to ask you what attracted KHA to embrace such an innovative project, such as The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Island

Tanuj Goenka:

Over the years we have been waiting for the right project to come our way that would allow us to break away from the expected way of building on an island, next to water. So for all of our projects, we like to go back to first principles, draw inspiration from the site, its history, and explore a strong, contemporary and appropriate response to the design brief. As you know, every project is a collaboration between the client and the designer, and it is important for us to not just come across the right site, but also the right partners- would allow us the time, space and freedom to immerse ourselves in the project and join us on this design journey. Kwee family and Pontiac land, they have been one of our studios, patrons and collaborators over many decades. Uh, uh, the Kwee family and Kerry, they were good friends. We've designed many projects for them from large residential buildings to a small guard house, um, and their vision and ambition for the project was inspiring. And the stars aligned. And here we are today, a few months away from welcoming guests for a very exciting experience.

Mark Hehir:

I, I, um, I do, uh, understand that, just speaking with Evan again recently, and he was really accentuating on that point that the relationships really fitted, right? You, you had this longterm understanding about quality and design and a great appreciation of each other, and it's really coming true in the project. As I see it now, when, uh, when we look at the, a bit more into the main inspirations of the design of the resort and the vision behind its actual concept of where we see it coming up today, could you take us through that and what was bringing that alive through the inspirations?

Tanuj Goenka:

Yeah, th the design of the resort, uh, at the master plan level, and also from an individual building level, it is a direct response to the site's natural setting. Uh, the master plan is shaped by the ocean forces, the wind and the waves, and honestly expresses the man-made nature of the four islands. So at the very onset, we decided that we are not going to try to make the island look as if it was always there, but we're going to embrace the fact that it's manmade and embellish the geometric nature of it. So the placement of the destination within the master plan, they encourage the guests to explore the full almost two kilometer long length of the island chain along the single thread of circulation, which offers guests a variety of experiences. And, um, as you know, the, the islands are oriented in the North South axis, uh, to maximize the sunrise and sunset views. Uh, the sunrise side of the island faces the more active Indian ocean while the long and shallow beaches, on the sunset side embrace the calm waters of the lagoon. Um, the Water villas is on the north, provide the guests a total immersion in seascape, but the spa in the center and within the islands, by contrast the forest provide a soothing change of scene with, uh, breather spaces as we call them. So the entire masterplan and the way it has been laid out, it is to provide the guests that variety of experiences during the day at night, uh, at different times of the year, and coming to the buildings, the buildings themselves are designed as a collection of very simple but strong geometric forms, which are weaved into the masterplan. So I'll talk a little bit about, say the circular form of the guest rooms and the staff. Uh, our main idea behind designing these as a circular form was to allow for these surfaces to sit comfortably, uh, in the bright Maldivian sun, uh, almost dissolve the mass, uh, the foreseeable mass of the buildings as seen on the island. And the circular plan also allowed us to rotate each of the units to orient them individually, to achieve the best views, the pristine views that you have of the open ocean, but at the same time, ensure total privacy without interrupting the clean sweep, uh, the curves of the masterplan composition. And in contrast to the circular form of the guest room and the spa, most of the public areas like the all-day dining and the Beach Shack and the three bedroom Villa they're designed as very simple pavilions with a retractable blinds to moderate the elements. So I would just say that the buildings are designed as simple and contemporary shelters for guests to enjoy the natural spectacle of the destination, which is Maldives.

Mark Hehir:

Yeah, I think, You know, having walked the site a few times now and spent time in your office and then going back on the site again, and you can really, uh, feel the flow, uh, what I really enjoyed what you've done is, uh, and you mentioned it as where there's certain parts of the resort, whether it's the South of the North Island have different characteristics, all threaded on this one stream, and you can take journeys to, uh, the, the Ritz Kids club or the Beach Shack, or, and enjoy our whole interactive family energized environment. Or you could take a, a moment in a breather and have yoga. And what I'm really enjoying about that possibility is the programming of what we're going to bring alive there. Um, I think there's so many moments for customers to engage, but on the other hand, you know, this culinary island that's in the middle, uh, really is a great center point of meeting up and engaging. And there's a moment of social element as well. And I feel also it's equally proportions. If you're staying in the north or the south, you feel like you're not too far away from anything, but, but then again, you still can escape to your villa.

Tanuj Goenka:

Yes. And even if you were to talk about the villas Mark, I think within, uh, the one bedroom Villa, uh, there are multiple experiences waiting for the visitors, whether it is on land, or it is just off the land or just within the water, and then the shape of the Island itself. Uh, some of the villas have been designed in smaller clusters on more private alcoves, uh, and private beaches and others, uh, open up to, uh, very calm, sweeping beaches. So there is a variety of experiences within each type of accommodation.

Mark Hehir:

Yes. Well, we can't end this part of the subject without speaking about that iconic spa, uh, shape and its positioning. Um, everybody who I've shown some of the renderings have been just overwhelmed towards that iconic positioning and shape stunning. Um

Tanuj Goenka:

Yes, And that, that's something that, uh, we're really looking forward, uh, and really enjoying seeing it take shape, uh, because as you know, to keep things simple is sometimes the hardest thing to do. And in the, in this project, uh, to actually integrate all the structure and the mechanical requirements and still to keep the structure simple has been a challenge and the spa is no exception. Uh, and, uh, a lot of effort has been put into, uh, achieving that.

Mark Hehir:

Um, and talking about a lot of efforts. I see there's a lot of sustainable efforts that were taken into consideration during the development of the island and efforts in respect to the delicate nature of the Maldives. Can you share with us a bit more about any of those design aspects or approaches that you've made?

Tanuj Goenka:

Yes, actually, that's a very interesting, uh, part of the design process and, uh, the project was designed with sustainability in mind, from the very beginning, from during design, uh, during construction and also part it's operating life. Um, I'll give you a few examples. Uh, th the majority of the public areas like the pool bar, the all-day dining, the Chinese restaurant and the Beach Shack are designed to be naturally ventilated, uh, where a choice of air conditioning is available like in the guest suite. So the spa, uh, we have ensured that the building envelop, uh, including the choice of glazing meets a very high standard of energy efficiency and sustainable features were integrated, integrated into the design, um, from our concept stage, for example, the shape of the guest suite, uh, the slope of the guest suite roof was determined by the angle of the solar panels. So I think the roofs are at around five degrees, and that is the angle that we needed for the solar panels to be installed, uh, at, um, and the solar, uh, energy supports, uh, a significant percentage of the hotels, energy consumption, uh, prefabrication and materials like CLT, glulam, and fiberglass have been extensively used across the project. And, uh, these materials and construction techniques they help to reduce, uh, not just on-site work and waste, but they save time. They save money and significantly reduce the overall carbon footprint of the project. Uh, so that's another aspect, uh, from a sustainability point of view that we are quite proud of. Um, the majority, the few more like the majority of the projects landscape has been transplanted from nearby islands, which were cleared for large infrastructure projects like airports and the MEP systems have been designed to recycle and reuse, uh, waste water for irrigation. Although the majority of the landscape is self-sustaining.

Mark Hehir:

Yeah, I was going to, I mean, we will have a conversation with VDLA who have produced and worked with you for the landscape architecture. And I really, uh, it's amazing right now, uh, that the natural feel of the island, the way that the, you know, the, the local Magoo plant and the coconuts are starting to come alive on the island. Now, you see, it feels like it's been there for many years. It's been a really nice integration, the landscaping and the properties thus far.

Tanuj Goenka:

Yes. And, uh, Mark, what was, what's pretty, uh, amazing about the whole process of putting the project together is also, uh, how sustainability has been taken into account in a holistic manner. Um, during construction, for example, the project management, they had very straight protocols in place to reduce incoming packaging for materials that were delivered to site. And I'm sure you've experienced it. I've experienced it on every visit before leaving Male, all the consultants were checked for single use plastics before boarding the boat transfers. And so it's quite holistic the construction crews on site, where they should that water canteens and refilling stations were spread out across the site. So it's been quite an interesting and amazing, uh, experience to see how sustainability is, uh, taken through.

Mark Hehir:

I really enjoy that because it's something that as a, as a general manager, when you're bringing the programming and bringing it alive, that when it already exists and the work that you you've done with with, uh, with the ownership and, and then now the construction team to, to even have those things at play, uh, it's a culture that starts to live on the island. And it helps us a lot as we go into, uh, taking over and opening with these types of philosophies already alive. So

Tanuj Goenka:

Yes, yes. And once you take all them up, the other aspect of sustainability is, uh, maintenance, right? And the choice of materials and the ongoing maintenance that those materials demand during the life of the project has also been considered in the design of the project. So, um, as you know, the majority of the building surfaces are prefabricated timber panels that are designed to weather over time. So you don't have to go in and re-varnish or repaint any of these surfaces, beach, which is also a fantastic.

Mark Hehir:

So when we look at, uh, the, the landscape of many resorts in the Maldives over the last 10 or 15 years, it seemed to have multiplied even more and there's premium luxury resorts have definitely opened up in that period. How do you feel The Ritz-Carlton Maldives will differentiate itself as it comes out next year and appears into the marketplace?

Tanuj Goenka:

I, I believe that The Ritz-Carlton Maldives offer guests a variety of, uh, effortless experiences, which are curated and bespoke. And, uh, also feel that the design of the property offers the visitors an appropriate, vibrant, and a forward looking environment from which to experience the destination. And that's very important that we design for the future, uh, and it sets the standard.

Mark Hehir:

Wonderful. And so just finally, uh, could you describe for us, uh, this wonderful project in just three words, is there three words that come to mind that you'd like to share with us?

Tanuj Goenka:

Yeah, I would say contemporary, uh, contextual and crafted.

Mark Hehir:

Wonderful. And I totally believe that's coming alive as we, as we speak. It's, um, it's wonderful to speak to you today. Uh, I'm really looking forward to spending time with you on site and your team. As a, as I know it's a big team effort there at KHA studios and, um, really, uh, sitting there on the beach and walking the property with you all and enjoying such an amazing project. Thank you for your time today.